For Sale

Livestock Guardian Dogs
Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Shepherd.
Great guardians for our goats.
Females: Athena (GP), Ginger (GP)
Males: Brutus (AS)​
Anatolian/Pyrenees puppies available!
Born early December.

Breed: Great Pyrenees Sex: Female 6yo
Litters: 2
Ginger is my first LGD on the farm. She is a quiet, calm girl who keeps to herself. The goats walk right over her, and she doesn't need very much attention. The only time you hear her bark is either I've walked into the barn, or there are predators nearby. We have never lost a goat to a coyote.
Ginger is my sweet girl <3

Breed: Great Pyrenees Sex: Female 3yo
Litters: 2
Oh, my Athena, she is my crazy girl. She is starting to calm and mature, but she definitely expresses her love like no other. Unlike the other LGDs, she is super overprotective of her goats. If anything that could be a predator comes into sight, she will interfere immediately. But she is still also my lovey girl.

Breed: Anatolian Shepherd Sex: Female 2yo
Litters: 2
Brutus was a little puppy squished in a cage with his littermates at a swap/auction meet. I just happened to see him, and begged my mom to let me purchase him. Now he is a huge barely 1yo boy! He is very sweet and timid around strangers. When he hears predstors, you will hear his low, loud voice carry across the property. Goats, puppies, and cats walk all over him with ease. He is typically calm.